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Water Quality Improvement Management Project for Local Government, 2006

15 engineering audits were completed in 2006. Among them, 8 were graded as “good”, 7 were graded as “passed”. Common non-compliances included inappropriate documentation and engineering quality. A showcasing event for engineering auditing has been held on 2006/11/27~28 at the Taipei City and Hsin-Chu City. The data build function and query system expansion have been completed. Additionally, “water quality improvement facility maintenance and operation data management system” has been developed, and training has been conducted to facilitate idea exchanges between the central and local governments. Estimations of the 2005 Green GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for point source pollutant loading were determined to be 140,442 tons/yr-BOD, 330,714 tons/yr-COD, 136,107 tons/yr-SS, and 26,690 tons/yr-NH3-N in 24 major basins. The operating and maintenance cost of pig farming was between 2,553 and 28,831 dollars/ton-BOD, and the cost reduced as scale of farming increased. A reduction of 2,255.6 kg/day-BOD and 2,339.5 kg/day-NH3-N at Keelung river, and a reduction of 9,028 kg/day-BOD and 6,481 kg/day-NH3-N at Sindain river would be needed if the water quality compliances were to be achieved. Monthly water quality analysis and comparison of 2006 and 2005 outsourcing and funding projects is completed. On the other hand, we assist and complete the future master plan of 2008~2011.
Pollution Control, Public Works Quality Control, Green GNP, Pollution Estimation